Could there have been a more scenic spot for Ballarat’s first JDRF One Walk? We really don’t think so. More than 150 people joined local Member for Ballarat and Shadow Minister for Health Catherine King and a herd of black swans to walk for a world without type 1 diabetes around Ballarat’s Lake Wendouree.
“It’s a day where you can realise you’re not on your own and there are families grappling with this right across the community,” Catherine said.
Local mum Christine Henderson and Diabetes Educator Belinda Moore joined forces to organise families, tons of local media, the Lions Club, Ms King and the weather gods to be part of a Walk to remember.
Christine’s two daughters Lorelai and Natasha were on hand to set up bunting, lucky dips and to greet MP Catherine King. Catherine spoke about JDRF’s commitment to delivering research that impacts patients and hoped that the One Walk was the first of many. She blew the starter horn and all were off to scoot around the lake.
Meanwhile Queen of the Kids Belinda set up face painting, apple bobbing, potato sack and egg and spoon races. And the Lions Club fired up the sausage sizzle and piled up plates of fruitcake.
The sea of orange caps − which are given out to people with T1D − showed this was a Walk that engaged many local people with type 1 diabetes. Most bought their families and were known to each other, but there were some new faces as well. People came from Ballarat but a range of local rural towns as well.
“When I saw little 2-year old Haydee yesterday, wearing her orange cap and her pump, and saw her get excited that Lorelai had a CGM too, that’s what makes it worth it,” said Christine. “The ultimate goal is to turn type one into type none, and I know that we’ve helped.”
Would they do it all again? For sure. Christine and Belinda are already planning what they’ll do to make next year’s One Walk even bigger and better. Television’s Dr Blake, watch out, they’re coming for you!